I was an accounting major, so I like rules. Things go into the debit or credit column and if you follow the rules, everything balances at the end of the day. So it totally irks me to see the number of REALTORS® that either don’t know or don’t care about the appropriate use of the REALTOR trademark.
From the National Association of REALTORS:
The Realtor® marks can be used on the internet and in marketing. In usernames, members are allowed to use the Realtor® marks only to indicate membership in NAR by using the marks with a member’s name or with the legal name of a member broker’s real estate business.
The paragraph above covers the extent of the ways agents can use the REALTOR trademark. Yet plenty of you haven’t gotten the memo.
John Doe REALTOR is A-OK.
John Doe New Orleans REALTOR is not.
johndoerealtor@youremailaddress.com is correct.
JohnIsMyRealtor@youremailaddress.com is not.
These are simple to follow instructions, but I see some of you getting really creative with those email addresses, Facebook business page names, and Instagram handles.
Here’s a hint. Getting caught using the trademark incorrectly will result in NAR’s trademark department (did you know they have a whole trademark department?) coming after you with a cease and desist. They own it, they control it, and your dues give you the right to use it within their guidelines.
Need to know more? Check out NAR’s Logo & Trademark FAQ page