In a recent article at DS News it was noted that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a report indicating that although blatant discrimination in housing has been reduced, there are still strides that need to be made in how minority buyers are treated by REALTORS®. Fair housing continues to be a topic, even in this day and age.
Discrimination is higher in the sales market than in the rental market, according to HUD’s findings.
Real estate professionals show black homebuyers 17.7 percent fewer homes than they show equally qualified white buyers. They also tell black homebuyers about 17 percent fewer homes for sale.
Asian buyers see 18.8 percent fewer homes than equally qualified white buyers and learn about 15.5 percent fewer homes.
Hispanic homebuyers receive treatment similar to white buyers, according to the report.
As might be expected, those whose race is more readily identifiable are more likely to face discrimination.
So, how do we address this issue?
I can’t speak for any other brokerages, but at Crescent City Living we do it by the numbers. Based on a home buyers criteria of budget, bedrooms, baths, square footage and desired neighborhoods, we send out to our clients every single listing that might fit what they are looking for. There’s no holding back on particular properties, because you can easily perform your own search for any homes currently on the market right here on our site.
We take fair housing seriously.