New Orleans Home Inspection Budget
One of the most important things you can do once you’ve decided to buy a home is a full home inspection. This is not something you want to leave to Uncle Joe that used to build houses in the 70s. This is a job for a licensed professional that does it everyday.
When is the home inspection done?
Once you have negotiated a purchase price and terms with the seller, the next step is to get your inspections done as quickly as possible. Your agent will put a certain number of days in the contract to allow you ample time to get any and all inspections performed that you think are necessary.
What will a home inspection cost?
Generally, a full home inspection will run anywhere from $350 to $650, depending on the size of the house and whether you need to get specialists out to inspect pools or the plumbing. Most inspectors will include a termite inspection as part of their cost, but not all of them do, so be sure to ask before you book that appointment.
What will the home inspector do?
A thorough home inspection covers everything from the HVAC to leaky faucets and they also provide assistance on
How to Maintain Your Washing Machine At Home. The inspector will test the appliances, the heating and cooling system, check out the electrical panel, test electrical outlets, inspect the condition of the roof, walls, ceilings, and more. It’s the inspector’s job to point out every single thing he can discover about the house.
The inspector will also make note of any items that are safety hazards, are not up to code, or are not functioning properly.
Spending a few hundred dollars upfront on New Orleans inspections can save you thousands in unexpected repairs after you’ve already purchased a home.