Is there anyone that isn’t on Facebook at this point? We all log in every day to catch up on what’s happening with friends and family, check out the photos from someone’s vacation, post a new picture of the grandkids and join the newest groups. It’s become ubiquitous and I’ve found that most people share their information very freely.
What you shouldn’t be sharing quite so freely, though, are the nitty gritty details of how things are going when selling your house.
Facebook Don’ts When Selling Your Home
Don’t share what your bottom line is. You wouldn’t tell a buyer that even though your home is priced at $200,000 you will really take $175,000, so why in the world would you broadcast that online and potentially give away your negotiating power?
Don’t share what you think are problems with the house. The property disclosure is the right place for that information and your agent will make sure that any potential buyer has that information in their hand before making an offer. What may seem to be a problem for you might not be a big deal to a buyer, so don’t go putting ideas in their heads based on how you feel.
Don’t share that you are desperate for an offer. It might take a while to sell your home and patience is key in this market. Putting it out there to your sphere of influence that you are desperate could potentially backfire in the form of a low ball offer from a friend of a friend.
Once you get an offer, don’t share that you hate the buyer and what a pain in the butt they are. I don’t care if they ask for every single little thing on the inspection report, you don’t know who they know and trash talking them online could get back to the buyer. If it’s still during the inspection period, they could walk away for any reason (including the fact that they don’t like you) and you are back to square one.
Enough with the negative.
What should you share online?
DO share the virtual tour, listing photos and anything else your agent provides that will help get the word out that you are on the market and ready to sell.