Lakeview New Orleans Real Estate
Average home sale prices in Lakeview
Lakeview New Orleans real estate doesn’t show any signs of the hot seller market slowing down. Average sale prices went up yet again in 2014, ending the year with a 6% increase over 2013 and a whopping 62% increase since 2010. With 2014 home prices ranging from a low of $197,000 to a high of $615,000 and a total of 267 sales for the year, Lakeview continues to be one of the New Orleans neighborhoods of choice for home buyers.

Data provided by GSREIN and is deemed reliable
Average Days to Sell in Lakeview
Days on market crept up a smidge in 2014, but at an average of 68 days in 2014, Lakeview still boasts some of the fastest moving real estate in the city.

Data provided by GSREIN and is deemed reliable
Things to know about Lakeview real estate sales in 2014
- 271 homes sold in 2014, up from 255 in 2013
- 26% of sellers provided closing cost assistance to the buyers
- 26% of sellers also provided a home warranty for the buyers