Record Your New Orleans Lease
When it comes to protecting your interests as a tenant, the most important thing you do is to record your New Orleans lease. What does that mean? It means that you are protected from eviction in...
New Orleans Rental Scams – Don’t Fall for It
It almost never fails. We list a property for rent and the phone starts ringing off the hook. Sounds like what we want, right? Except these callers are not happy when they hang up. New Orleans...
New Orleans Landlord Advice | What Amenities Do Tenants Want?
New Orleans Landlord Advice We work with a lot of New Orleans residents that are in search of a rental. They’re not ready to commit to buying a home of their own, but that doesn’t...
New Orleans Landlords and Military Tenant Rights
New Orleans Landlords Here’s some advice for New Orleans landlords in the event that your tenants are military. Know what your rights and the tenant’s rights are before signing that...
NOLA Rents: Are They Continuing to Go Up?
New Orleans Rental Market With the number of foreclosures that we’ve seen over the last couple of years, it’s thrown a lot of people into the New Orleans rental market. Additionally,...