Moving is so exciting.
Until you actually have to do it.
Crescent City Living is moving our office from Uptown to Mid City, and we have gained a real appreciation for what our buyers and sellers have to go through during a move.
Deciding what to move
We all have those junk drawers full of paper clips, extra batteries, a few pens, and that Sharpie that’s been missing for months.
How do you decide what stays and what goes?
We’re having a Marie Kondo moment and basically ridding ourselves of anything that doesn’t spark joy or fit completely into the design vibe of the new office. A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t want to pay someone to move it, it likely shouldn’t go with you.
Transferring everything
What. A. Pain.
Electricity. Water. Gas.
The Kentwood water delivery.
All of the things that the 21st century requires to function have to be transferred from one location to another. Fortunately, Entergy is pretty easy to work with, but we’ll light a candle for you (and us) before tackling the Sewerage and Water Board.
Timing the move
We’re lucky that we have a window of a couple of weeks to move before we have to be out of our old place, but not everyone gets that luxury. Timing the move to coincide with your closing is a balancing act, for sure.
In the end…

We will end up here and we couldn’t be happier about it. Feel free to pop into the new space at 3205 Orleans Ave after September 1st and check us out!